best digital marketing channels 2023

Table of Contents

10 Essential Digital Marketing Channels – A Complete Guide

The way consumers consume content and shop has undergone a tectonic transformation in recent years. Approximately 87% of consumers now start their buying journey online.

This means that regardless of whether customers make their final purchases online or on physical sites, the process always begins online, typically on Google, Bing, or Amazon, from where they conduct their research. Furthermore, it is essential for brands to have a strong online presence for this reason.

It’s a digital world. If your company wants to get in front of your target audience, then you need to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes multiple digital marketing channels.

In today’s hyper-connected world, digital marketing is the beating heart of any successful business. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, understanding the diverse array of marketing channels at your disposal is crucial.

In this article, you’ll get to know the best digital marketing channels and break down how to use each one to grow brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

Let’s dive in and discover how these 8 essential digital marketing channels can propel your business to new heights. Ready to become a digital marketing maven?

Let’s get started!

What is a Digital Marketing Channel?

First, let’s define digital marketing.

All marketing initiatives that are conducted online are referred to as digital marketing, often known as online marketing. To communicate with both present and potential customers, businesses employ a variety of digital marketing channels.

These digital marketing channels may include SEO, content marketing, paid marketing, email marketing, or others.

Digital marketing assets are delivered through channels in the digital marketing ecosystem. If you need to spread the news about an upcoming product, you can do so through one or more channels.

Social media, SEO, video marketing, and paid marketing are a few popular digital marketing channels.

What Is the Importance of Digital Marketing Channels?

Digital marketing is important because it gives brands the ability to track and manage their marketing outcomes in addition to engaging with people.

Other factors supporting the crucial significance of digital marketing channels for organisations today include the following:

Discover various user groups – A distinct audience is reached by each digital marketing channel.

Promote a variety of content types – While social media can be a more efficient way to distribute videos, SEO is a fantastic method for presenting blog posts. Different channels have varying intensities.

Leads are better nurtured – Some people react differently to different channels. So, you are able to nurture more leads if you invest in the correct channels.

Boost awareness of your brand – The more awareness you create for your business, the more exposure it receives through various digital marketing channels.

Let’s now discuss eight of the most effective digital marketing channels and discover how to maximise them.

8 Key and Essential Digital Marketing Channels

1. Content Marketing

Creating, publishing, and distributing useful content to your target audience is known as content marketing.

Different types of Content

It’s a strategy that is becoming more and more effective for grabbing your audience’s interest, maintaining their engagement with your business, and reminding them that you exist.

Since it increases brand equity—the perception and value of a business — content marketing is one of the prominent digital marketing channels.

You add value when you speak truthfully about the issues your clients care about and require assistance with. There are several benefits to having a well-thought-out content marketing strategy. It works well at the top (TOFU), middle (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU).

High-quality content also enhances the effectiveness of other digital marketing strategies including SEO, social media, email marketing, and video marketing. As a result, each piece of content will have a larger ROI thanks to improved overall marketing.

3 steps of Content Marketing Funnel

When content marketing is given top priority by your marketing team, it can quickly surpass all other online marketing channels as the main engine of company growth.

How to Get Started with Content Marketing

You require a marketing strategy before you can start producing content that appeals to your target audience. Additionally, you need a space to outline and plan your marketing initiatives.

78% of marketers who feel their content marketing is effective have a documented strategy. It describes your goals for your marketing activities and your purpose.

The following should be a part of your content marketing strategy:

  1. Clearly defined goals
  2. A breakdown of your buyer personas
  3. Clearly defined brand and product positioning
  4. A content marketing mission statement and value proposition
  5. An action plan for the type of content you’ll create and how you’ll distribute it
  6. Research audience and pain points before creating content.
  7. Work on your keyword research and filter by “Questions” for content ideas.
  8. Audit existing content before creating new pieces.
  9. Consistently track metrics and data using Google Analytics and Google Search Console for website performance.

The best approach to make your content better is through data. Create content on related topics if a certain subject resonates with your readers.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You are probably losing out on a significant portion of your prospective audience if you aren’t actively participating in SEO. That’s because 68% of experiences that occur online begin with a search engine, and SEO is all about getting your website to come up often and in top positions in search engines like Google.

SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. You can enhance your search visibility and website traffic by continuously producing high-quality content on topics that are relevant.

However, you also need to optimise your website’s technical aspects so that your content may be found and ranked correctly by search engine ‘bots’.

When your target audience is actively looking for information, solutions, or products, SEO can help you reach them. You can therefore influence your audience at the precise moment when they are most open to what you are saying.

Different Stages of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process

Additionally, search engine optimisation guarantees that your brand is genuine throughout the entire buyer’s journey and not only at the beginning. As a consequence, you’ll provide outstanding value while increasing brand recognition and establishing trust.

A comprehensive SEO strategy has several advantages beyond increased visitors.

You can utilise organic search to improve conversion rates, produce leads, safeguard the reputation of your brand, expand your market share, boost referral marketing, and increase e-commerce sales. Additionally, it’s a great approach to strengthen client relationships.

Moreover, organic search remains among the most economical channels for marketing for generating traffic and gaining new clients. According to Google, paid search has an ROI that is only 2 times on average compared to 5.3 times for organic search. Additionally, it is the only channel that gains value over time.

When you put it all together, it’s clear why SEO is one of the best digital marketing channels for generating outstanding marketing ROI.

How To Get Started With SEO

Getting started with SEO is relatively easy. There are many tasks you can complete to improve your search presence but there are a few things you can do first that can make a big impact, such as:

  1. Identify the keywords you would like your website to rank for.
  2. Publish content by including keywords in content, image descriptions, and page URLs.
  3. Link to relevant internal pages for better navigation.
  4. Monitor technical SEO factors, including page load speed and mobile-friendliness.
  5. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights for load speed standards.
  6. Maintain a simple website structure for easier crawling by search engines.
  7. Check mobile-friendliness using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
  8. Monitor your website’s performance for your chosen keywords using Google Search Console or a third-party SEO tool.

And never think that SEO is complete just because you can discover your website in Google results. For business-related keywords, you must rank higher and track your position.

Remember that 1% or less of Google users will click on webpages that appear on page two of search engine results.

3. Email Marketing

One of the simplest ways to interact with your audience is through email marketing.

Sending promotional items to subscribers’ email addresses is known as email marketing, which is a direct marketing channel.

The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is about $36 for every dollar invested.

Therefore, you don’t want to overlook it.

Once you have subscribers, you can segment clients (aggregate them into distinct email lists) for optimal results.

By doing this, you can reach users who took advantage of your most recent promotion, reside in a particular region, or bought a particular item, for example.

However, without email addresses, email marketing would not function.

Give an obvious value proposition (i.e., the primary benefit) for why someone should share their email address in order to convert visitors into subscribers. To do this, you must capitalise on the audience’s trust by demonstrating your authority and positive feedback on sources they can trust.

Lead magnets, such as eBooks, email subscriptions, freebies, and deals, can do this.

Example of one of the lead magnet techniques

How to Get Started with Email Marketing

Email addresses can be gathered in a spreadsheet. But as you grow bigger that gets harder to handle and takes more time. Consider the following tactics to collect emails in an ethical manner:

  1. To gather email addresses, design email templates, and schedule emails to be delivered to your audience, select an email marketing service provider like CovertKit or Active Campaign.
  2. Encourage people to purchase your goods or services by promoting them. This will increase awareness of what you do.
  3. Create a content strategy that complies with your goals.
  4. Use your first email to establish expectations or reward subscribers.

Once you have an email database, you can automate the process of nurturing your audiences over time to strengthen the bond and promote brand loyalty.

4. Social Media Marketing

Using social media platforms to communicate with your current and potential customers is known as social media marketing.

Global social media usage peaked at 4.59 billion users in 2022, and it is expected to reach approximately 6 billion users by 2027 (Statista). That represents a startling 55% of the world’s population!

Each person logs in for roughly two and a half hours on a daily basis. Social media is the best place to be if you want to efficiently contact your target audience. There is an audience on social media for you around the globe, no matter what your business, product, or service is.

Businesses utilise social media marketing to increase audience engagement, strengthen branding, raise brand awareness, and foster relationships.

Top Social Media Platforms Used for Marketing (2023)

Because your audience spontaneously expresses their views and emotions on social media sites, these platforms are essential digital marketing channels for developing client relationships. Additionally, these networks encourage positive communication between brands and their current or potential customers, sometimes even in real-time.

Consider Starbucks as an example. Their Instagram account creates a message of warmth and connection rather than merely showing coffee. They now have a huge following of over 19 million people as a consequence!

How to Get Started with Social Media Marketing

Users utilise various social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest) differently and have specific expectations when they do so.

For instance, they post specific sorts of media (such as photographs, videos, etc.) or discuss specific subjects (such as discussions and sharing, images, user-generated content (UGC), videos, etc.).

There are a few things you can do first that can make a big impact on your social media marketing, such as:

  1. Define your objectives for social media, whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, or sales.
  2. Select the platforms that match your audience and business type.
  3. Analyse your competitors’ social strategies for insights.
  4. Create a content calendar with varied, audience-focused content.
  5. Ensure complete, appealing profiles that align with your brand.
  6. Understand your target audience’s demographics and preferences.
  7. Craft engaging content that provides value to your followers.
  8. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions, fostering community.
  9. Use analytics to track key metrics and adapt your strategy.
  10. Continuously improve your approach based on data and trends.
  11. Keep up with platform changes and emerging trends.
  12. Maintain a regular posting schedule, emphasizing quality.

In a nutshell, social media marketing is your key to creating lasting relationships, increasing brand recognition, and generating sales in the digital age.

So, utilize this crucial digital marketing channel and use social media to its full potential to boost your marketing efforts.

5. Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the important digital marketing channels using videos to promote a business, its products, and services.

Today, video marketing is used by almost 86% of businesses, grown drastically from 63% in 2017. A typical individual watches 19 hours of video every week, so most organisations can’t pass up the chance to use video marketing.

7 Video Marketing Statistics

Why is video marketing dominating the market?

In fact, 73% of customers prefer watching a video to reading about a product or service. It’s about effectiveness, not just preference. Video has the special capacity to communicate the essence of your brand, tell gripping tales, and establish a personal connection with your audience.

In short, video marketing is a goldmine for grabbing attention and converting it into sales. Video marketing is a strategic power, not merely a passing fad. It boosts website traffic, raises your SEO ranking, and increases the possibility of a purchase by 64%.

For instance, consider the Dollar Shave Club. Their quirky, budget-friendly video commercial went viral and generated 12,000 new orders within 48 hours of its release.

However, it’s not only for the major players; tiny enterprises may benefit as well from it. Consider capturing the attention of your audience with product demonstrations, explanatory videos, or behind-the-scenes looks at your workplace culture. You’ll establish more solid relationships, develop trust, and eventually increase conversions.

How to Get Started with Video Marketing

Without creating a comprehensive video plan, you can quickly try out video marketing. Make brief, straightforward videos to add to your current digital marketing channels. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Understand your target audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points to create videos that resonate with them.
  2. Decide on the type of video content that suits your goals, such as product demos, tutorials, testimonials, vlogs, or live streams.
  3. While you can start with a smartphone, consider upgrading to a good-quality camera, microphone, and lighting for professional-looking videos.
  4. Plan your video content carefully. Create a script and storyboard to ensure your message is clear and engaging.
  5. Keep videos concise, entertaining, and informative. Hook your audience within the first few seconds to retain their attention.
  6. Incorporate your brand elements, like logos and colors, to maintain a consistent brand identity across all videos.
  7. Use relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve discoverability on platforms like YouTube.
  8. Select platforms that align with your target audience. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are popular options but consider your niche.
  9. Share your videos on your website, social media channels, email newsletters, and relevant online communities to maximize exposure.
  10. Respond to comments, questions, and feedback to build a community around your videos and foster a loyal following.
  11. Use analytics tools to track video performance. Adjust your strategy based on viewer engagement, watch time, and conversion metrics.
  12. Don’t be afraid to try new video formats, styles, and content ideas. Keep testing your approach based on what works best for your audience.
  13. Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

When done properly, video marketing can be a valuable component of your digital marketing plan.

6. Paid Advertising

Let’s imagine, you’ve crafted a stellar product or service, and your website is sleek and user-friendly, but there’s one thing missing – the right audience. This is where paid advertising swoops in to save the day.

Now, you might wonder, ‘Why should I invest in paid advertising?’ Well, let the numbers do the talking.

According to recent studies, for every $1 spent on Google Ads, businesses make an average of $8 in profit. Yes, you read that right – an astounding 800% return on investment!

And it’s not just Google; platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer equally impressive opportunities to reach your ideal customers.

Paid advertising is your steady steed in this world of digital marketing, racing swiftly and precisely in the direction of your target market.

You can develop relationships over time by using digital marketing tools like social media marketing and content marketing. However, advertisements immediately place your goods and services in the forefront of your target market. This guarantees exposure.

Take the example of Airbnb. They connected with travellers searching for unique accommodations by using Facebook’s detailed targeting. The terms with “accommodation” as the primary keyword get the majority of the spending.

Their advertisements stand out from those of their rivals because they highlight their unique advantages. Bookings from their target market increased by 300% as a result. Airbnb became a worldwide success thanks to paid advertising.

Use data-driven copy, images, and design components to customise your adverts for your audience. The more you are aware of their struggles and aspirations, the easier it will be to engage them.

There are several ways to use paid ads for lead generation or sales such as Pay-per-click (PPC) ads, Shopping ads, Paid Social (appear in social media feeds), Display ads in the Google Display Network (GDN), etc.

When you want to see results right away, paid advertisements are helpful. While paid media initiatives can be launched fast, content marketing and SEO may take some time. In light of this, PPC is a sensible choice for a short advertising campaign or the introduction of a new product.

You can control user attention on Google or Bing if you effectively combine PPC and SEO.

How to Get Started with Paid Advertising

Paid advertisements can easily drain your marketing budget. Initiate by running ads according to a target market if you want to have the highest chance of getting a solid ROI.

Types of Paid Advertising Strategy
  1. Define your objectives for paid advertising, whether it’s increasing website traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, or brand awareness.
  2. Select the advertising platform(s) that align with your target audience and goals. This can be Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more.
  3. Determine your advertising budget, ensuring it’s realistic and aligns with your goals. Start with a manageable budget and scale as you see results.
  4. If using PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising like Google Ads, conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords for your campaigns.
  5. Craft compelling and relevant ad copy, including attention-grabbing headlines and persuasive ad descriptions. Use high-quality visuals for display and social media ads.
  6. Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behavior, and other relevant criteria. Precise targeting will make sure your ads reach the right people.
  7. Set specific days and times for your ads to run, optimizing for when your target audience is most active.
  8. Decide on your bidding strategy, whether it’s manual CPC (Cost-Per-Click), automated bidding, or another approach, to maximize ROI.
  9. Ensure your landing page is optimized for conversions, with a clear call-to-action (CTA) and a seamless user experience.
  10. Run A/B tests to experiment with different ad variations, headlines, visuals, and ad formats to identify what performs best.
  11. Implement tracking tools like Google Analytics and conversion tracking to monitor the performance of your ads and measure ROI.
  12. Regularly check and adjust your ad campaigns based on their performance. This includes adjusting bids, refining targeting, and optimizing ad copy.
  13. Use ad extensions (e.g., site links, callout extensions) to enhance your ad’s visibility and provide additional information to users.
  14. Familiarize yourself with platform policies and ensure your ads comply with regulations to avoid issues.
  15. Stay updated with the latest advertising trends, tools, and strategies. Paid advertising is dynamic, so ongoing education is essential.
  16. Continuously assess the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising campaigns and make adjustments to improve results.

Remember that paid advertising requires ongoing optimization and refinement. It’s a dynamic process that evolves as you gain insights into your audience and campaign performance.

7. Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is a marketing strategy that leverages customer recommendations and word-of-mouth to acquire new customers.

According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, 93% of consumers consider online reviews when making purchasing decisions, while 63% of GenZ consumers rely on recommendations from friends to learn about products and brands.

In addition, a study conducted in 2023 revealed that 82% of B2B sales leaders believe that referrals create the best leads, making referral marketing programs essential for B2B businesses.

For those of you who sell products, offering incentives like discounts or loyalty programs to customers who refer you to their colleagues can be a great way to get started. Check out Sprout’s Partnership Program for an example.

Sprout Social’s Referral Marketing Program

If you’re a B2C business, you’re in luck! You have a direct relationship with your customers, which makes referral marketing even easier and one of the most effective digital marketing channels.

Offering rewards like discount codes, free products, or gift cards in exchange for referrals is a great way to encourage customers to spread the word about your company.

Overall, referral marketing is a win-win situation. You get new customers, and your customers get rewarded for promoting your business.

So why not give it a try?

How to Get Started with Referral Marketing

If you’re looking to get started with referral marketing, there are a few important aspects you should follow.

  1. Beyond discounts, shareable content like blogs and videos is essential for effective referral marketing. Make sure your posts are easy to share by adding social media sharing buttons like the “Share to Facebook” button, on your website, blog posts, and email marketing campaigns.
  2. Leverage influencers to attract new clients by sharing exclusive coupon codes or links. They distribute the code to their audience, who receive an offer on their purchase.
  3. Satisfied clients are more likely to recommend your business to others. If you look after them, they will look after you.
  4. Asking for referrals is a simple yet effective strategy that involves mentioning a referral program to as many customers as possible. 
  5. In conjunction with asking for referrals, if you have employees, consider training them to effectively market the program to customers.
  6. Create viral content by following these three rules: find content that has performed well in your industry, make it your own, and promote it to your followers.
  7. Testing different incentives is crucial to determining which rewards best resonate with customers.
  8. Use tools like Referral Rock, Referral Factory, or ReferralCandy to track vital metrics in your referral program.

Ultimately, incorporating referral marketing into a comprehensive digital marketing plan can enhance conversions, retention, and social media impact for both B2B and B2C businesses.

8. Mobile Marketing

Did you know that as of September 2023, over 6.92 billion people use smartphones globally?

That’s more than 85% of the world’s population!

More people get their information from smartphones now than ever before. In fact, mobile has 54% of the device market share compared to desktop with 43%. Today, 5.18 billion mobile internet users worldwide spend 23.1 hours each month on the YouTube mobile app.

But it’s not just about the sheer numbers; it’s about the incredible potential this channel offers. Mobile marketing leverages the personal, always-connected nature of smartphones to engage, persuade, and convert your audience like never before.

As a result, businesses must begin developing and customising content with mobile users in mind. If you ignore this suggestion, you might run the danger of falling behind. In 2022, the global mobile ad spend was $336 billion and is expected to reach $362 billion in 2023.

How to Get Started with Mobile Marketing

There is a different way of mobile marketing techniques to explore. Your industry, target market, and budgetary constraints will determine which is the most effective way for your business:

  1. Begin by understanding your target audience’s mobile habits, including the devices they use, preferred apps, and times of high activity.
  2. Try In-App marketing which utilizes mobile apps for advertising, with options like Google AdMob for creating ads within third-party apps.
  3. In-game mobile marketing inserts ads into mobile games, including banner pop-ups, full-page image ads, and video ads during loading screens. These ads provide a unique opportunity to engage gamers while they play.
  4. Using a QR code allows you to create a link to your website, download your app, review your business, or sign up for your newsletter. 
  5. Explore location-based services like geofencing to target users in specific areas. Craft compelling offers or messages tied to users’ physical locations.
  6. Start doing Mobile search ads optimized for mobile devices, often featuring extensions like click-to-call or maps for enhanced user interaction.
  7. Conduct image-based ads tailored for mobile devices, providing visually engaging content to mobile users.
  8. Use SMS for time-sensitive promotions, reminders, and exclusive offers.
  9. Develop a push notification strategy to engage users with timely, relevant messages even if they are not on your website or app.
Different Mobile marketing techniques

Remember, mobile marketing isn’t just about having a mobile-friendly website. It encompasses a wide range of strategies, from mobile apps and SMS campaigns to responsive design and mobile advertising.

Utilizing mobile marketing, you may reach out to customers just as they may require your services and offer appropriate solutions.

FAQs on Digital Marketing Channels: Unveiling Clarity in the Digital Marketing Landscape

Are digital marketing channels one-size-fits-all, or should they be tailored to my business?

Digital marketing channels should be tailored to your business and objectives. What works for your business may not work for your rivals or any other businesses. It’s crucial to analyse your target audience, industry, and goals to determine the most effective channels for your specific needs.

Which digital marketing channels are the most cost-effective?

The cost-effectiveness of digital marketing channels varies depending on your goals and strategy. Social media and email marketing are often considered cost-effective, while paid advertising can yield quick results but may require a larger budget. Content marketing, when executed well, can provide long-term value at a relatively low cost.

How do I measure the effectiveness of digital marketing channels?

Measuring digital marketing success involves using key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to each channel. For example, in social media marketing, you might track engagement rates, while in email marketing, open and click-through rates (CTR) matter. Analysing these metrics helps you assess your strategy’s impact and make informed optimizations. Use analytics tools and data tracking to monitor these metrics and make data-driven decisions.

Can I use multiple digital marketing channels simultaneously?

Absolutely! In fact, a multi-channel approach is often the most effective way to reach a diverse audience. However, it’s essential to maintain consistency in your brand messaging and adapt your content to suit each channel’s unique characteristics.

How do I allocate my budget across different digital marketing channels?

Budget allocation depends on your specific goals, audience, and industry. Generally, it’s advisable to distribute your budget across various channels to test what works best for your business. Start with a modest budget, analyze results, and adjust accordingly. Many digital marketers follow the 70-20-10 rule, allocating 70% to proven channels, 20% to experimental ones, and 10% to innovative strategies.

What are the emerging trends in digital marketing channels for 2023?

While trends can change rapidly, some emerging trends for 2023 include the increased use of video content, voice search optimization, artificial intelligence-driven personalization, and the growing importance of sustainability and social responsibility in marketing.


The nice thing about using digital marketing channels is that there are numerous effective ways to connect with your target audience.

Do your research, be where your audience is, and be where they go. Experiment with different content types, and measure results to hone in on what engages customers. Use the channels to communicate and engage with them, and to successfully drive them to action.

Above all else, deliver value. If your marketing efforts help customers learn, laugh, or solve a problem they’ll keep coming back.

Sharing is Caring!

About The Author
Arunabha Chakraborty

Arunabha Chakraborty

Arunabha is M.Sc. in Business Administration by Education, SEO Specialist by Profession, and a Blogger by Passion. Arunabha has 3+ years of experience in Blogging and owns a travel blog 'Wanderlust And City Dust'. He has 9+ years of Corporate Experience. Arunabha headed SEO Team for ad agencies and startup ‘TravelTriangle’ in Gurugram, India and a freelance travel writer for UK based 'Travel And Destinations' blog.